
When you get to photograph a puppy, I instantly think of a tiny fluff ball full of energy bouncing around in front of my camera. Granted, Eisenhower (or Ike for short) was 8-ish months at the time of our session, he was as cool, calm, and collected as a Bernese 10 times his age. I think he wanted to keep his chill face on even though I personally think he was playing off the fact that the click of the shutter made him a little nervous. 

We started of our shoot in Ike’s newly redesigned back yard. They had a new pool, spa, deck and grass. It was Ike’s own little paradise! And, that’s when the puppy came out of this big guy. Yep, despite the chilly temperatures, Ike decided it was time to take a dip in the pool. Agh!!!! I seriously tried not to giggle but it was too cute not to laugh. Thankfully we got Ike pretty dried off and continued shooting around his yard and in an empty lot next door.

Even though Ike wasn’t a fan of the camera, it was certainly a fan of his. He’s an absolute stunner and I could stare at his sweet face for hours. :)