We are being taken over by aliens!!! No, not the big-headed, green-skinned creatures that are here to kill off mankind. No, this is the funny, big-toothed, scruffy kind that are here to steal our hearts. Yep! And that's exactly what Gizmo is...at least according to his mom. :)
Honestly, I wouldn't mind if aliens this cute took over the earth!
Gizmo's underbite stole the show and he had no problem showing it off for me in Charleston, SC a couple weeks ago!
Ears down. Ears up. Which do you prefer? ;)
A close up of that funny smile...
And here is Gizzy workin' the profile...
It was so much fun meeting this little "alien"! Thank you so much for being a part of the Charleston model call. I hope our paths cross again soon...maybe I can visit your planet one day!