I introduce a trifecta of Dachshunds! From left to right - least hairiest to most hairiest - Harriet, Oscar, and Reese Cup! Each one of these 4-legged shorties have personalities as different as their looks. Put together, they have the perfect compilation of traits to complete their household. :)
Harriet is the most shy of the three (except come rabbit hunting time). However, her mom brought a couple of her favorite treats which grabbed her attention long enough for me to get some great shots of her sweet Red Dabble face. I instantly was attracted to the markings on her ears. I think she is stunning...
Nothing like gorgeous light and a beautiful pup! Love!
Next up is Oscar. This long-haired boy is his mom's heart dog. He can tend to be a little nervous around strangers but, again, the magic trick was some yummy treats. He actually warmed up to me and the camera very quickly. From judging some of his poses, I'd say he was practicing for this shoot for a while. :)
"Did you get my good side?"
He wanted to make sure I captured how luscious his locks were...
He really did pose the whole shoot!
Last but not least, we have Reese Cup! Reese is the newest addition to the family but is definitely the mother of the trio. Despite being the most laid back of the three, she won't take her eyes off Harriet and Oscar! She has to make sure they are ok 100% of the time.
She has the perfect name - her fur matches a Reese Cup perfectly!
I love how fluffy Reese is. Walking around in the grass, she looked like one of those woolly Β bear worms. It was cracking me up! She even kinda moved like one!
And the whole pack together... :)