Lulu is a 5-year-old fighter. As the sole survivor of her litter, she managed to find a loving home after being brought into this life at a horrible puppy mill. Lulu is very susceptible to sickness but, for the most part, stays healthy with her amazing determination. She still tires very easily (her shoot ended only lasting for about 40 minutes) and recently fought with a mild case of Pug Dog Encephalitis. The surgery Lulu went through can take months to recover from but she regained full use of her left side after only 24 hours. Her hair is still growing back around her neck and on her leg but I love that we captured it in her pictures. It's just a great reminder of Lulu's strong-willed character.
When my client adopted Lulu in grad school, she had no idea that her new puppy was bred in such a manner. Once she found out, she was solely responsible for shutting down both the irresponsible pet store that sold her and the puppy mill. You go girl!
Here's to many more years of enjoying Lulu's adorable face and her spunky personality. Enjoy the sneak peek!
Lulu's favorite spot in the house is her people's fluffy bed. She just looks so comfy...
Lulu had just enough energy to go on a very short walk outside of her condo. She spent the time posing and workin' it for the camera!
After all the excitement, Lulu was extremely tired so we had to stop and say our good byes. I can't wait to see her again and see what progress she has made in her recovery. <3