Dogs are similar to people in that, as they age, they tend to get set in their ways. Briar is certainly no different. Briar is a pretty chill, fluffy furball that loves to lounge around and take it easy. He loves hanging out at the pond in his neighborhood so we decided to let him do what he loves most. We spent a chilly, but sunny, afternoon together just taking in the gorgeous sights. He had no plans of doing anything different. ;)
This happy face is loved dearly by his human dad. Lucky for dad, Briar's mom set the session up as a surprise Christmas gift for him!
Briar would give me a split-second of his attention while I gave him a treat. Then it was right back to checking out more interesting things. Ha!
OMG! The light that day was amazing! It made Briar's fur glow like an angel!
This is seriously what Briar would do all. day. long. if you let him...
Thank you so much for allowing me to photograph you doing what you love most. I hope your dad enjoyed his fabulous gift!!!